
This basic Python example will generate a test.pdf file with the text ‘To PDF or not to PDF’ in the top left of the page. In-memory files can be generated by using StringIO or cStringIO instead of the file open. Advanced options will be discussed later in this document.

Using xhtml2pdf in Django

To allow URL references to be resolved using Django’s STATIC_URL and MEDIA_URL settings, xhtml2pdf allows users to specify a link_callback parameter to point to a function that converts relative URLs to absolute system paths.

import os from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponse from django.template.loader import get_template from xhtml2pdf import pisa from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders def link_callback(uri, rel): """ Convert HTML URIs to absolute system paths so xhtml2pdf can access those resources """ result = finders.find(uri) if result: if not isinstance(result, (list, tuple)): result = [result] result = list(os.path.realpath(path) for path in result) path=result[0] else: sUrl = settings.STATIC_URL # Typically /static/ sRoot = settings.STATIC_ROOT # Typically /home/userX/project_static/ mUrl = settings.MEDIA_URL # Typically /media/ mRoot = settings.MEDIA_ROOT # Typically /home/userX/project_static/media/ if uri.startswith(mUrl): path = os.path.join(mRoot, uri.replace(mUrl, "")) elif uri.startswith(sUrl): path = os.path.join(sRoot, uri.replace(sUrl, "")) else: return uri # make sure that file exists if not os.path.isfile(path): raise RuntimeError( 'media URI must start with %s or %s' % (sUrl, mUrl) ) return path 
def render_pdf_view(request): template_path = 'user_printer.html' context = 'myvar': 'this is your template context'> # Create a Django response object, and specify content_type as pdf response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="report.pdf"' # find the template and render it. template = get_template(template_path) html = template.render(context) # create a pdf pisa_status = pisa.CreatePDF( html, dest=response, link_callback=link_callback) # if error then show some funny view if pisa_status.err: return HttpResponse('We had some errors 
' + html + '
) return response

You can see it in action in demo/djangoproject folder

Using in Command line

xhtml2pdf also provides a convenient command line tool that you can use to convert HTML files to PDF documents using the command line.

$ xhtml2pdf test.html

This basic command will convert the content of test.html to PDF and save it to test.pdf. Advanced options will be described later in this document.

The -s option can be used to start the default PDF viewer after the conversion:

$ xhtml2pdf -s test.html

Advanced Command line tool options

Use xhtml2pdf --help to get started.

Converting HTML data

To generate a PDF from an HTML file called test.html call:

$ xhtml2pdf -s test.html

The resulting PDF will be called test.pdf (if this file is locked e.g. by the Adobe Reader, it will be called test-0.pdf and so on). The -s option takes care that the PDF will be opened directly in the Operating Systems default viewer.

To convert more than one file you may use wildcard patterns like * and ? :

$ xhtml2pdf "test/test-*.html" 

You may also directly access pages from the internet:

$ xhtml2pdf -s

Using special properties

If the conversion doesn’t work as expected some more information may be usefull. You may turn on the output of warnings by adding -w or even the debugging output by using -d .

Another reason could be, that the parsing failed. Consider trying the -xhtml and -html options. xhtml2pdf uses the HTMLT5lib parser that offers two internal parsing modes: one for HTML and one for XHTML.

When generating the HTML output xhtml2pdf uses an internal default CSS definition (otherwise all tags would appear with no differences). To get an impression of how this one looks like start xhtml2pdf like this:

$ xhtml2pdf --css-dump > xhtml2pdf-default.css

The CSS will be dumped into the file xhtml2pdf-default.css . You may modify this or even take a totally self-defined one and hand it in by using the -css option, e.g.:

$ xhtml2pdf --css=xhtml2pdf-default.css test.html

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