Texas medical school letters recommendation

Welcome to TMDSAS - the common application service for dental, medical, podiatry, and veterinary schools in Texas!

Checklist for Submission - What do you need to submit your application?


Don't Need Yet:

☑ Completed sections of the application

☑ Review your application (download or print the PDF)

☒ Transcripts (Do not submit until requested!)

Checklist for Submission - What do you need to submit your application?


Don't Need Yet:

☑ Completed sections of the application

☑ Review your application (download or print the PDF)

☒ Transcripts (Do not submit until requested!)

Start Now:





TMDSAS is currently processing:

Letters of Evaluation:



<a href=TMDSAS Vet Application Deadline Announcement" />

Image: Letter of recommendation. Text: <a href=Share this link with your evaluators to help them submit a veterinary evaluation form or letter of evaluation." />

<a href=Welcome to the EY 2025 Application Cycle!" />

FAQ and resources

residency process information

Preparing for the Application

Application Guide

View the Entry Year 2025 Application Guide


FAQs for Dental, Medical, Podiatry, and Veterinary Applicants

Member Institutions

Explore our participating Dental, Medical, Podiatry, and Veterinary Schools

Bring your questions to the weekly TMDSAS Office Hours sessions.