Agreement not to sue clause samples

5.Agreement Not to Sue. Employee expressly represents that Employee has not filed a lawsuit or initiated any other administrative proceedings against the Releasees, and that Employee has not assigned any claim against the Releasees to any other person or entity. Employee further promises not to initiate a lawsuit against the Releasees relating to any Claim arising prior to the date of execution of this Agreement, except that nothing in this Agreement shall: (i) bar Employee’s right to file an administrative charge with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the United States Department of Labor (DOL), the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), or any other federal, state or local agency; (ii) prevent Employee from reporting to any government agency any concerns Employee may have regarding the Company’s practices; or (iii) preclude Employee’s participation in an investigation by the SEC, EEOC, DOL, NLRB or any other federal, state or local agency. Should any entity, agency, commission, or person file a charge, action, complaint or lawsuit against the Releasees based upon any of the above-released Claims, Employee agrees that this Agreement bars Employee’s right to recover any relief whatsoever (including monetary relief), except that Employee may receive an award from the SEC under the federal securities laws.

02/28/2018 (GrubHub Inc.)

15. Agreement Not to Sue. In consideration of the Company’s promises, payments and other consideration contained herein, Ms.Meyerrose hereby further agrees that if any claim referenced herein is filed, pursued, or otherwise prosecuted by Ms.Meyerrose, individually or collectively, or by any persons or entities, by or through her or on her behalf, individually or collectively, Ms.Meyerrose waives her rights to relief from such claim, including the right to attorneys’ fees, costs and any and all other relief whether legal or equitable, sought in such claim, and agrees to indemnify and hold Releasees harmless from such claim, including attorneys’ fees and costs. If Ms.Meyerrose violates this Agreement by suing the Company or the Releasees, Ms.Meyerrose agrees that she will pay all costs and expenses of defending against the suit incurred by the Company or the Releasees. Nothing in this Section15 will prevent Ms.Meyerrose from bringing claims against the Company arising out of a breach of this Agreement.

03/19/2019 (Franklin Financial Network Inc.)

8.Representation of No Pending Action and Agreement Not to Sue. Executive further agrees never to sue any Releasees or cause any Releasees to be sued regarding any matter within the scope of the above release. If Executive violates this Release by suing any Releasees or causing any Releasees to be sued, Executive shall continue to be bound by the release obligations of this Release and shall pay all costs and expenses of defending against the suit incurred by the Releasees, including reasonable attorneys' fees, unless paying such costs and expenses is prohibited by law. The Company Group further agrees never to sue Executive or cause Executive to be sued regarding any matter within the scope of the above release. If the Company Group violates this Release by suing Executive or causing the Executive to be sued, the Company Group shall continue to be bound by the release obligations of this Release and shall pay all costs and expenses of defending against the suit incurred by the Executive, including reasonable attorneys' fees, unless paying such costs and expenses is prohibited by law.

11/12/2020 (Williams Industrial Services Group Inc.)

12.Agreement Not to Sue. Except as otherwise provided in Section 8, Section 9, this Agreement or as otherwise required by law, Employee agrees that he will not commence, maintain, initiate, or prosecute, or cause, encourage, assist, volunteer, advise or cooperate with any other Person to commence, maintain, initiate or prosecute, any action, lawsuit, proceeding, charge, petition, complaint or claim before any court, agency or tribunal against the Company or any other Released Party arising from, concerned with, or otherwise relating to, in whole or in part, Employee’s employment or separation from employment with the Company or an Affiliate, or any of the other matters discharged and released in this Agreement. Employee further understands and agrees that if he, or someone acting on his behalf, should file, or cause to be filed, any such claim, charge, complaint, or action against the Company and/or any other Released Party, Employee expressly waives any and all rights to recover any damages or other relief from the Company and/or other Released Party including, without limitation, costs and attorneys’ fees. Employee further represents and warrants that he has not filed or lodged, and has no outstanding claims, including, without limitation, any lawsuits, charges of discrimination, or administrative proceedings, against the Company or any of the Released Parties regarding matters that have been released pursuant to this Agreement.

06/04/2018 (Harvest Oil & Gas Corp.)