The trickiest part of having a yard sale? Trying to figure out how to price everything. If you price things too high, they won’t sell. If you price things too low, you won’t make as much as you could have. It’s all about hitting that sweet spot in the middle, where you end the day with a pocketful of cash and a cleaned out house. But how do you know where that sweet spot lies? By hosting a ton of yard sales, or by referring to my new yard sale pricing guide. Just think of it as your yard sale cheatsheet. It has suggested prices for almost 100 items, along with advice on when you should charge more, and things you can do to maximize your profits.
Get your free copy. Then, pull out those pricing stickers, and get busy pricing. Print Yard Sale Pricing Guide
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For more ways to maximize your yard sale profits, be sure to check out this video before you go. It details all the things I’ve learned from years of yard saling.
Printable Yard Sale Checklist
How to Have a Sold Out Yard Sale
How to Have a Successful Yard Sale