Using the present simple for storytelling and commentary

present simple storytelling commentary

Though the present simple’s main use is for general rules, and grammatically represents timeless facts, native speakers often use it in an colloquial setting for storytelling. This can be to recount a past event, a film or book plot, or for running commentaries, as the following uses explain.

The present simple in storytelling

The present simple is regularly used depicting past narratives for informal storytelling. It can create a sense of immediacy, urgency or informal friendliness, so it may be used for dramatic or comedic effect. This is common in spoken English.

The present simple is also commonly used to give narratives of consumed stories, for example the plots of films, books and plays.

This is used to put the listener in the moment of the story. This technique is sometimes used in creative writing, as well as in spoken language.

You may also find the present simple in advertising and other texts designed to put the reader in a particular scene or state of mind.

The present simple and commentaries

The present simple is often used for running commentaries. This provides an ongoing narrative, describing events as they happen, which is especially common for sports.

Sports broadcasters and other live reports use the present simple to commentate on events in real time (now), to save time and create drama:

For more tips about different uses of the English tenses like these, please check out the full grammar guide I have published. This article, and many others on this site, are derived from the book.

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