Taxability of income of charitable or religious trusts

A charitable and religious trust is taxable in accordance with the provisions of Section 11 to Section 13. Section 11 provides for exemption in respect of income derived from property held under trust for charitable or religious purposes to the extent to which such income is applied or accumulated during the previous year for such purposes. The exemption is allowed on fulfilment of conditions specified in Section 11, Section 12, Section 12A, Section 12AA/12AB, and Section 13 of the Income-tax Act.

Meaning of ‘Charitable Purpose’

Section 2(15) of the Income-tax Act provides an inclusive definition of ‘charitable purpose’. It includes the following:

(a) Relief of the Poor;

(d) Medical Relief;

(e) Preservation of the environment (including watersheds, forests, and wildlife);

(f) Preservation of monuments or places or objects of artistic or historic interest; and

(g) Advancement of any other object of general public utility.

The advancement of any other object of general public utility shall not be a charitable purpose if it involves the carrying on of any activity in the nature of trade, commerce or business (or any activity of rendering any service in relation to any trade, commerce or business) for a cess or fee or any other consideration.

This exception, however, does not apply if such activity is undertaken in the course of the actual carrying out of such advancement of any other object of general public utility and the aggregate receipts from such activity during the previous year, do not exceed 20% of the total receipts of such trust during that previous year.

Registration of Trust

The income of a trust shall not be exempt under Section 11 unless it has obtained registration under Section 12AA/12AB. The person in receipt of the income is required to make an application for registration of trust in the prescribed form. The process of registration up to 31­03-2021 is governed by Section 12AA. A new Section 12AB has been inserted with effect from 01-04-2021 which lays down the new process to obtain registration and the period for which such registration shall be granted.

The registration of trusts or institutions shall be required in the following circumstances: Trust registered under old Section 12A/12AA

The trusts or institutions that had been granted perpetual registration before 01-04-2021 are required to make an application for re-registration under the new scheme of registration under Section 12AB. The registration obtained under Section 12AB shall remain valid for a period of 5 years.

A trust/institution has to make an online application in Form 10A for registration within 3 months from the date on which the provision comes into force.

Renewal of Registration

Trusts or institutions are registered under Section 12AB for a period of 5 years. Where the existing registration is due to expire, the trust or institution shall apply for renewal of registration at least six months prior to the completion of the 5 years.

Conversion of provisional registration into regular registration

The trust or institution provisionally registered under Section 12AB shall be required to convert such provisional registration into normal registration by filing an application in Form 10AB at least 6 months before the expiry of the period of the provisional registration or within 6 months of commencement of its activities, whichever is earlier.

Registration of trust whose registration has become inoperative

The registration under Section 12AB shall become inoperative if approval is obtained under Section 10(23C) or the institution is notified under Section 10(23EC) or Section 10(46) or Section 10(46A). Thus, if the registration becomes inoperative, the trust or institution will not be entitled to claim an exemption under Section 11 or 12.

The trust or institution, whose registration has become inoperative may apply to get its registration again operative under Section 12AB. The application for registration in such cases shall be made at least 6 months before the assessment year from which the said registration is sought to be made operative. Once the registration becomes operative, the trust or institution will not be entitled to claim an exemption under Section 10(23C)/10(23EC)/10(46)/10(46A).

Taxability of income of charitable or religious trusts

Registration in conformity with the modified objects

If the trust or institution has adopted or undertaken modifications of the objects which do not conform to the conditions of registration, then such trusts or institutions are required to make an application for fresh registration under this provision. Application for fresh registration in such cases is required to be made within 30 days from the date of adoption or modification of objects of such trust or institution.

The new trusts or institutions applying on or before 30-09-2023 for registration under Section 12AB must make the application for provisional registration even if such trusts or institutions have commenced the activities. Subsequently, such trusts or institutions have to convert their provisional registration into regular registration.

The application for provisional registration shall be filed in Form 10A at least 1 month before the commencement of the previous year relevant to the assessment year from which the registration is sought. Such provisional registration shall be valid for a period of 3 years. The trust or institution shall subsequently file an application for conversion of provisional registration into regular registration in Form 10AB at least 6 months before the expiry of the provisional registration period or within 6 months of the commencement of its activities, whichever is earlier.

(b) on or after 01-10-2023

The new trust or institution applying on or after 01-10-2023 shall file an application for provisional registration only if it has not commenced its activities. The trust or institution need not apply for provisional registration if it has commenced activities.

The application for provisional registration shall be filed at least 1 month before the commencement of the previous year relevant to the assessment year from which the registration is sought. Such provisional registration shall be valid for a period of 3 years. The trust or institution shall subsequently file an application for conversion of provisional registration into regular registration at least 6 months before the expiry of the provisional registration period or within 6 months of the commencement of its activities, whichever is earlier.

Direct regular registration

Until 30-09-2023, the trust or institution has to apply for two registrations (provisional and regular) simultaneously, even if it has commenced the activities. However, on or after 01-10­2023, a trust or institution can apply directly for regular registration if it has already commenced the activities without applying for provisional registration.

The trusts or institutions satisfying the following two conditions can apply directly for regular registration:

(a) A trust/institution that has already commenced its activities.

(b) No income or part thereof of the said trust or institution has been excluded from the total income on account of applicability of Section 10(23C)(iv)/(v)/(vi)/(via), or Section 11 or Section 12, for any previous year ending on or before the date of such application, at any time after the commencement of such activities.

Period for which income is exempt

The exemption to a trust is generally available from the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which the application for registration is made. Hence, once the registration is granted, the exemption under Sections 11 and 12 shall be available from the assessment year immediately following the financial year in which the application is made.

In other words, the exemption shall be available prospectively from the following previous years:

(a) If the trust or institution has applied for the provisional registration at least one month before the subsequent previous year, the exemption shall be available for that subsequent previous year for which the provisional registration has been granted, provided the provisional registration has been converted into a normal registration within the prescribed time limit;

(b) If the trust or institution has applied directly for the normal registration, the exemption shall be available from the previous year in which the application for normal registration has been filed, and the registration has been granted.

Maintenance of Books of Account

To avail the exemption under Section 11 and Section 12, it is mandatory for a trust to keep and maintain books of account and other documents in such form and manner and at such place, as may be provided. This provision applies only if the total income of the charitable trust, without giving effect to the provisions of Sections 11 and 12, exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income tax in the previous year. The books of account and other documents shall be kept and maintained for a period of 10 years from the end of the relevant assessment year.

Rule 17AA prescribes the books and other documents to be kept and maintained by entities approved under Section 10(23C) or registered under Section 12AB. The books of account and other documents may be kept in the following forms:

(b) Electronic form;

(d) Print-outs of data stored in electronic or digital form; or

(e) Any other form of electromagnetic data storage device.

Audit of Accounts

Further, to avail the exemption under Section 11 and Section 12, it is mandatory for a trust to get its books of accounts audited. The books of accounts are required to be audited where the total income of the trust before exemption under sections 11 and 12 exceeds the maximum amount not chargeable to tax. The accounts of the trust for that year should be audited by a Chartered Accountant. The audit report has to be furnished in Form 10B or Form 10BB at least one month prior to the due date of submission of the return of income.

Filing of return of income

The entities registered under Section 12AB are required to file the return of income under Section 139(4A) if the total income without giving effect to the provisions of Sections 11 and 12 exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to Income-tax.

The exemption shall be available only if the return of income is filed within the time allowed to file the original return of income under Section 139(1) or the belated return of income under Section 139(4). Therefore, it means that the trusts or institutions cannot claim the exemption by filing an updated return of income under Section 139(8A).

Accumulation of Income

An organisation can accumulate 15 per cent of its income indefinitely. In other words, up to 15% of income can be transferred to the corpus every year. Income accumulated or set apart in excess of 15% of the income where such accumulation is not allowed under any specific provisions of the Act shall be taxable under Section 115BBI. The exemption is allowed to a trust for the income accumulated in excess of 15% subject to fulfilment of certain conditions. This exemption, however, shall be withdrawn if such conditions are not complied with by the assessee.

As per Section 11(2), if a trust is not able to apply 85 per cent of its income in a particular year, it can accumulate the shortfall to be used for religious or charitable purposes within the next 5 years. This accumulation is allowed if the assessing officer is informed about the purpose of the accumulation and the period for which the income is being accumulated. The information is to be furnished in Form 10 at least two months prior to the due date specified under Section 139(1) for furnishing the return of income for the previous year.

Even if a charitable institution is not able to utilise 85% of its income for charitable or religious purposes in India, it shall be deemed to be applied for such purposes in the situations described below. Such deemed application of income shall be considered when the institution furnishes the details electronically in Form 9A at least two months prior to the due date specified under Section 139(1) for furnishing the return of income for the previous year.

(a) Where income has not been received in the previous year;

(b) Where income could not be applied due to other reasons.

Taxation of income accumulated u/s 11(2)

The circumstances in which the exemption for the accumulated amount under section 11(2) shall be withdrawn and the year in which such amount shall be taxable have been mentioned below:

(a) If the amount is applied for purposes other than religious or charitable or ceases to be accumulated or set apart for application to religious or charitable purposes. It shall be deemed to be the income of the previous year in which it is so applied or ceases to be so accumulated or set apart.

(b) If it ceases to remain invested in the statutory form of investment specified under Section 11(5). It shall be deemed to be the income of such person of the previous year in which it ceases to remain so invested or deposited.

(c) If it is not utilised for the purpose for which it is so accumulated within the allowed period of 5 years. It shall be deemed to be the income of such person of the previous year being the last previous year of the period, for which the income is accumulated or set apart but not utilised for the purpose for which it is so accumulated or set apart.

(d) It is credited or paid to any other trust or institution registered under Section 12AA/12AB or any other fund, institution, trust, hospital, university or other educational institution, or hospital or any other medical institution referred under Section 10(23C)(iv), (v), (vi) and (via). It shall be deemed to be the income of such person of the previous year in which it is credited or paid to such trust, or institution.

The deemed income arising in the above circumstances shall be taxable under Section 115BBI. Utilisation of income accumulated u/s 11(2)

The amount so accumulated by the trust shall be utilised for the charitable and religious purposes for which it has been created. Until its utilisation, the amount shall be invested in the statutory forms as specified in Section 11(5). Any use of the accumulated funds for any other purpose or if it is not utilised at all, the exemption allowed in the year of accumulation shall be withdrawn.

Where it is beyond the control of the assessee trust or institution to spend the income for which it was accumulated, the Assessing Officer may allow the trust to apply the income so accumulated for any other religious or charitable purposes provided such other purposes are in conformity with the objects of the trust. In such cases, the exemption, granted to the assessee, cannot be withdrawn and the provisions of Section 11(2) will continue to apply.

Statutory form of investment or deposit [Section 11(5) and Rule 17C]

The fund shall be invested or deposited in the following permissible modes:

(a) Immovable property;

(b) Investment in Government Savings Certificates;

(c) Deposit in any Post Office Savings Bank Account;

(d) Deposit in any account with any scheduled bank or a cooperative bank (including a cooperative land mortgage bank or cooperative land development bank);

(e) Investment in units of UTI;

(f) Investment in Central Government or State Government Securities;

(g) Investment in debentures of any corporate body, the principal whereof and the interest whereon are guaranteed by the Central or a State Government;

(h) Investment or deposit in any public sector company. It is to be noted that if the company ceases to a public sector company subsequent to investment or deposit, the investment in shares will be considered as valid for 3 years from the date the company ceases to be a public sector company. Any other investment or deposit will be considered valid until the company repays them.

(i) Investment or deposits in any bonds issued by a financial corporation engaged in providing long-term funds for industrial development in India, if the corporation is eligible for deduction under Section 36(1)(vii);

(j) Investment or Deposits in any bonds issued by any public sector company carrying on the business of providing long-term finance for construction or purchase of houses in India for residential purposes, provided the company is eligible to claim deduction under Section 36(1)(viii);

(k) Deposits with a public sector company or investment in any bonds issued by a public sector company providing long-term finance for urban infrastructure in India.

(l) Deposits with IDBI;

(m) Investment in the units issued under any scheme of mutual fund;

(n) Investment in any transfer of deposit to the Public Account of India;

(o) Deposits with authority constituted in India under any law for the purpose of dealing with and satisfying the need for housing accommodation or for the purpose of planning, development or improvement of cities, towns and villages, or for both;

(p) Investment by way of acquiring equity shares of a depository as defined in section 2(1)(e) of the Depositories Act, 1996;

(q) Investment in certain securities by a recognised stock exchange;

(r) Investment by way of acquiring equity shares of an incubatee by an incubator;

(s) Investment by way of acquiring shares of National Skill Development Corporation;

(t) Investment in debt instruments issued by any infrastructure finance company registered with the RBI;

(u) Investment in ‘stock certificate’ as defined in paragraph 2(c) of the Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme, 2015;

(v) Investment made by a person authorised under section 4 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 in the equity share capital or bonds or debentures of a company: