
2011 Matthew Van Steenwyk, et al. v. Scientific Drilling International, et al

In the 189th District Court of Harris County, Texas, Judge Bill R. Burke presiding. The firm represented the plaintiffs, shareholders in a closely-held corporation, in a derivative-shareholder action. Plaintiffs alleged that the actions of the defendants constituted multiple breaches of fiduciary duty, shareholder oppression, fraud, misrepresentation, and violations of the Texas Business Corporations Act. Plaintiff sought actual damages in excess of $175 million, as well as punitive damages. The matter was fully and finally settled by the parties.

2011 Matthew Van Steenwyk, et al. v. Scientific Drilling International, et al 2018-12-05 2022-02-09 /wp-content/uploads/dsp-monogram.svg Dobrowski Stafford & Pierce LLP /wp-content/uploads/dsp-monogram.svg 200px 200px

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