Employee Motivation Questionnaire: 20+ Questions and Free Template

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What’s the point of an employee motivation questionnaire?

Well, wouldn’t it be great if motivation was a mental button that we could switch on or off at will? But it doesn’t come that easy. Even the most driven of us can sometimes feel like our motivation has gone on an unapproved vacation.

But when entire teams stop caring about their work, it shows. Employee motivation surveys are a helpful tool to find out the reasons why your employees are losing steam at work. And more importantly, do something about it.

Employee Motivation Questionnaire: Top 24 Questions + Free Template

We have three goals for the employee motivation questionnaire.

  1. Measure the employees’ interest toward their work.
  2. Discover the factors that are affecting their work performance.
  3. Use this feedback to move toward your end goal – a lively work environment with happier teams and improved morale.

Now, let’s dive into the items that make up the employee motivation questionnaire format. First, we will break down the questions by the two types of motivation that they measure.

Here’s an employee motivation template created using ThriveSparrow. You can customize it the way you like.

ThriveSparrow also lets you dive deep into the reports section and lets you understand which departments are most motivated and which aren’t.

This lets you extract meaningful insights from your employee motivation survey and drive positive organizational changes.

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employee motivation template reports

Now, let’s go through the questions you need to consider when crafting your motivation survey for employees.

Employee motivation questionnaire – Internal motivators

  1. What do you do in the workplace/What is your role?
  2. How many years have you been working in this industry?
  3. You’re doing a fantastic job! But, are you happy with what you do?
  4. On a scale of 1-5, how excited are you usually to go to work?
  5. What’s your biggest challenge with motivation in the workplace?
  6. On a scale of 1-5, how strongly does your motivation level affect your performance?
  7. How would you rate the current motivation program in Wayne Enterprises?
  8. What thing would motivate you to be more productive? A new coffee machine, 4-day workweek – feel free to speak your mind!
  9. Are you motivated by Wayne Enterprises’s vision and mission?
  10. What is your prime motivator at work right now?
  11. How likely are you to recommend Wayne Enterprises as a place to work?
  12. Rate your agreement with the following statements:

Employee motivation questionnaire – External motivators

  1. Do seniors and colleagues appreciate you for your work?
  2. Do you think your current role lets you grow and develop new skills?
  3. Rate your level of satisfaction with the work culture of Wayne Enterprises.
  4. What type of incentives motivates you more?
  5. How far are you satisfied with the incentives provided by Wayne Enterprises?
  6. Are you happy with the management style of your leader?
  7. Do you feel that the leadership sufficiently motivates you?
  8. Do you think your views and opinions are considered when making a decision that could affect the team?
  9. Are you encouraged to develop new and better ways of doing things?
  10. Have you been promoted at work in the last six months?
  11. Have you been nominated for training development programs for the previous six months?
  12. Please rank the following workplace factors based on how important they are to you.


What is the purpose of employee motivation?

With an employee motivation questionnaire, companies can:

What are the top 10 motivators for employees?

Earlier, studies pinpointed five primary motivators for employees. They are:

To that, recent studies have added five more:

The last point is the most vital. On-the-job feedback can help you act on all of these points, from working conditions to incentive schemes. Employee feedback software like SurveySparrow helps you with this by tracking the employee pulse, analyzing the data and letting you act before it’s too late.

How do you motivate an unmotivated employee?

You don’t have to see demotivated employees as a lost cause! Instead, here are some actions you can take to tackle the issue:

  1. Just ask what the problem is. Sometimes, it takes a face-to-face conversation to get to the root cause. E.g., frustration at not being able to tackle a pet project, or an inability to meet deadlines due to unplanned tasks.
  2. Make sure your employee knows the ‘why’ of their work. Let them know that their work is contributing to the bigger picture.
  3. Set clear goals, and give the employee the tools to work towards them. That can include access to resources, career development programs, bonuses, etc.
  4. Communicate about what’s going onat the company with remote work surveys. One of the challenges of going remote is the lack of organic, free-flowing work chatter. So sometimes, a remote employee’s understanding of their work situation may not match reality.
  5. Take a good, long look at your compensation and incentive schemes. Are they sufficient to motivate staff?For example, does it make sense to have a free lunch scheme for remote employees?
  6. Don’t let good deeds go unpublished. Here are pointers for setting up a budget-friendly employee recognition scheme.

Wrapping Up

That’s all, folks! In this article, we’ve talked about the top 24 questions that make up an employee motivation questionnaire, and how a timely survey on employee motivation can help you build a happier, more productive workforce.

Think of your company as an orchard, and motivation as one of the fertilizers. You need to keep adding it, even when the impact is not immediately obvious. The net result are long-term gains in client and employee growth.

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Parvathi Vijayamohan

Content marketer at SurveySparrow.

Parvathi is a sociologist turned marketer. After 6 years as a copywriter, she pivoted to B2B, diving into growth marketing for SaaS. Now she uses content and conversion optimization to fuel growth - focusing on CX, reputation management and feedback methodology for businesses.